In that day a fountain shall be opened for the house of David and for the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for sin and for uncleanness. Zechariah 13:1

Jesus Christ, Fountain. Zechariah 13:1
Jesus Christ is revealed throughout the Old and New Testament books of the bible. The power of His glory and majesty are displayed as a mystery unfolds from Genesis to Revelation. The Word of God leads us to Jesus.
Jesus Christ, Fountain. Zechariah 13:1. JESUS Revealed in Scripture. VerseVisions Modern Christian Art. Remastered. Copyright 2023 by Mark Lawrence. All Rights Reserved.
The VerseVisions collection is inspired by favorite bible verses. Artwork availability is confirmed and guaranteed at the time of order. Features include:
- Authentic Signed and Numbered Mark Lawrence Limited Edition Art.
- A Certificate of Authenticity (COA) indicating edition size and type.
- Created at time of order. Allow 4-6 weeks for shipment.
- All orders are shipped rolled in heavy duty shipping tubes ready for your favorite frame shop.
Learn more about Mark's unique Embellished Limited Edition (ESN) and Signed & Numbered (SN) limited editions for fine art collectors.
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