Visual Devotionals

Scripture's Embrace: Confronting Loneliness
Loneliness can be one of the toughest battles to face. It's that feeling when you believe nobody really understands what you're going through. You long for someone who truly knows and loves you, so...
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Trusting Jesus in Every Detail of Your Life
Life can be tough sometimes. We all face trials, disappointments, and heartaches that can make us feel sad, lonely, and weary. It's impossible to avoid pain and suffering in this fallen world, but ...
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Who Do You Call Upon? Jeremiah 29:12
Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. Jeremiah 29:12 Do you ever feel lost and alone? Like you don't know what to do next in your life? If so, Jeremiah 29:12...
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Hold Fast To Your Profession! Hebrews 10:23
Hebrews 10:23 tells us that we are to "hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering." This means that we need to persevere in our faith, even when things are tough. Because God is faithfu...
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