ReMastered Christian Art

ReMastered Art- Bible Verse Text Hidden In Plain Site
These paintings have been ReMastered with an innovative new art process that Mark Lawrence uses to paint his art completely with Bible scripture.
Mark wanted to find a way to incorporate into his paintings the words from the scripture that inspired each painting. After several years of trial and error he refined a high-quality art rendering process to digitally re-paint each work using the Bible verse as a digital text paintbrush.
Scripture Hidden In Plain Site
The unique ReMastered process colorizes each letter and word of the verse to match the original artwork and digitally renders it in overlapping brushstrokes- thousands of times across the canvas.
The beautiful verse strokes of pigment and color blend together much like a Seurat painting. Some have commented that the imperceptible Bible verse words appear to cascade as rain across the canvas.
View all of Mark's bible verse infused work in the ReMastered Art Gallery
After many hours, the final artwork has been ReMastered completely with the colored bible verse text brushstrokes repeated countless times across the canvas.