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Mark Lawrence The Artist

“I create art to glorify, honor and serve my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who is worthy of all honor, glory and praise.” Mark Lawrence

Mark Lawrence is an artist who is called by God to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through his Bible verse inspired abstract paintings.

Early Life

Mark's journey began in the sunny state of Florida, where his passion for art ignited at a young age, overshadowing even the toughest homework assignments.

Though his artistic flame flickered during college, attending a small liberal arts school in LaGrange, Georgia, Mark found love and purpose alongside his studies, marrying his beloved wife.

Despite graduating with a degree in business administration and diving into the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, Mark's faith and resilience shone through during challenging financial times in the early 1990s, leading him back to his true calling of painting.

With each stroke of the brush and every page turned in the Bible, Mark found solace, wisdom, and a renewed sense of purpose, igniting a journey of spiritual and artistic discovery that continues to inspire.

Artistic Growth

Mark Lawrence

Embracing innovation, Mark embarked on a transformative journey by integrating digital technology into his artistic process.

The boundless creative avenues unlocked by this new medium sparked his imagination and fueled his passion like never before. Sharing his Bible-inspired art on online platforms, Mark received an overwhelmingly positive response from viewers, igniting a wave of inspiration and connection.

As demand for his work grew, churches sought out Mark's captivating creations to enrich their services and events, further amplifying the impact of his art. Mark established his own gallery website, offering his distinctive limited edition pieces to a global audience and never looked back..

Through the power of the internet, Mark's art has transcended boundaries, resonating with thousands of individuals across the globe. Heartfelt messages and testimonials are received from fans and visitors, expressing how his artwork and chosen verses have deeply touched their lives, affirming the profound impact of his creative expression.

The Future

Driven by a profound sense of purpose, Mark continues to seek ways to illuminate the path to Jesus Christ through his art. With each stroke of his brush, he infuses his art with faith, hope, and the assurance of a secure future in Christ. Recognizing the overwhelming distractions of life, Mark believes that his art serves as a beacon of truth amidst the chaos, drawing seekers to the profound messages embedded within his creations.

Overflowing with passion and determination, Mark is unwavering in his commitment to sharing the transformative power of God's Word through his art. For him, creating and sharing art isn't just a desire—it's a calling that fuels his soul. Grateful for the opportunity to be a vessel for God's message, Mark is driven by a mission to reach the countless souls yearning for Jesus Christ.

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Isaiah 55:11

Read Mark's Blog